Casper Bøyesen-Laugen as the new CEO for Logos

As announced in June, I have decided to take on a new role focusing on our commercial activities. I am therefore pleased to present Casper Bøyesen-Laugen as the new CEO for Logos.

Casper is 44 years old and has built solid knowledge of a both technical and commercial nature. He has a long experience from the software industry and has successfully driven growth strategies in companies across a number of industries.

Logos is facing unique opportunities for significant expansion in the years to come. Based on our strong solutions and solid position in the Nordics, we see an exciting development within the verticals, we focus on. This development will open to a range of new growth opportunities for Logos. This autumn we look forward to presenting our new strategy, which will support our ambition to make Logos the leading player within self-service payment solutions in Europe.

By choosing Casper we get a leader with the experience and the qualities we need for us to implement and execute the new strategy and lift Logos to the next level.

Casper will be starting September 1st, and we all look forward to working with him and to the continued development of Logos

In the future, I will take on the role as CCO with the responsibility for sales and business development.

Should you have any questions, both Casper and I will be glad to hear from you.

Best regards,
Lars Clausen