Logos Valina

Flexible payment module

Logos Valina can be installed in coffee, snack and soda machines, solariums, laundries, access doors and other places where a flexible payment solution is needed.

Get started quickly with Logos Valina

With Logos Valina, a purchase is completed very quickly. The payment solution accepts all modern forms of payment, has an intuitive user interface and is 100% self-service. It works both outdoors and indoors.

Healthy cash flow

Logos Valina, like all other payment terminals, is secured with PSAM from Nets, and frequent settlement ensures a healthy cash flow.

Logos creates a redemption agreement with Nets.


PayManager is a cloud-based management system where you can manage prices, find transactions, pull reports and get a full overview. PayManager can be used on PC, mobile and tablet.

Logos Valina provides you with

Increased revenue
Contactless payment and MobilePay, low transaction costs and built-in PIN keypad

Get started quickly
Compact terminal with 3.5 ”screen that is easy to mount, 320 x 480 pixels touch screen for advertising and customer dialogue

Less administration
The PayManager system monitors the machine 24/7 and the accounts are prepared automatically

Logos creates leading self-service payment solutions across a wide range of industries